
Maria Mondiamo

Min främsta gåva till världen, min energi, var från början min största smärta. Den är synonym med att jag är född med personlighetsdraget HSP, Highly Sensitive Personality. Ofta översatt till högkänslighet.

Högkänsligheten och min välutvecklade och förankrade starka kontakt med det högre sinnet innebär att jag tar emot, processar och förmedlar stora mängder existentiell Kunskap. Jag uppfattar även informationen mellan raderna. Den som är osynlig och omedveten för det stora flertalet.

I sessioner med mig uppfattar jag det undermedvetna och omedvetna. Jag gör därmed det osynliga synligt och det undermedvetna medvetet. Det ger dig självförståelse, nycklar, klarhet, insikt och ökar kärleken du känner för dig själv. Min klokhet har jag genom en kombination av världslig kunskapsinhämtning, lång och bred pedagogisk erfarenhet samt genom en djup inre existentiell utvecklingsresa.

Min högkänslighet genererar både en inkännande klarsynt förmåga och en utvecklad intuitiv intelligens. Tillsammans med talets gåva, som jag fått från min pappa, en stor omtanke och kärlek till människor, som jag fått av min mamma, samverkar de när jag föreläser, inspirerar, motiverar, undervisar och visar dig vägen genom Sanning, Kunskap, glädje och helande inre transformation.

My story

I had my first awakening into spiritual awareness when I was twenty years old.


I was studying german words on university level, when I suddenly was contacted by my grandmother. Wouldn´t have been the least weird, unless for the fact that she was, well, what we perceive from here as, dead, and had been since I was about five years old. Imagine the chock when my own hand started writing in an old fashioned way without me intending to move the pen! The words forming themselves underneath the pencil revealed a message: "Hi my dear, I am your grand mother contacting you."

Later on, I found out, this was called automatic writing or channeling.

This was me being given the chance to get to know my grandmother from her angle of consciousness. From her point of view she was my guardian watcher, communicating from what we from here perceive as the fifth dimension. The first dimension, or more correctly put, state of mind, outside space and time.

Shortly thereafter more angels, angles or perspectives from this inner plane wanted to communicate through the apparent "me". These angles, back then perceived by Maria-body as angels and celestial beings, were standing in line to communicate. They helped me remember more of who I truly am (that, which  we all are) and brought me spiritual wisdom from beyond this dreamlike illusion called "reality".


I soon realized I was claire audiant and could hear or telepathically just know the information before it came through the pen. Now this telepathic multidimensional communication with wise loving perspectives and angles, without using the pen, began. I was asked to channel and share my awakening in book form. The purpose was to give sleeping "earth angels" rekognition, self realization and awaken more to the recollection of who we truly are.


All this led me to meditation. It led me to heightened awareness and I became a practional healer. My intuitive abilities expanded. The claire cognitive part of knowing became my strongest superpower. My telempathy through joining and unity increased (the ability to feel other people´s information, ergo, feelings, often even before they themselves feel them). 

I went through extraordinary experiences we could call meta physical and the world of magical synchronicity became everyday life.

The more love I perceived within my mind the more information from higher mind I received. Just like when I was a child, the high frequencies of information and vibration came and still comes foremost during night time. When the to me "noisy" collective mind is silent, the stillness of the present moment increases in mind and brings high speed light (as in not heavy) information forth. Sometimes the brain finds this information hard to remember. It is a bit like when you have a dream and it fades away.

Unity of higher mind has spoken through brilliant trinities and has presented clear visions and through lucid dreaming. They have helped me establish a clear connection to, what from here, appears to be an oversoul on the inner planes of The one mind. I perceive it from here as the eight dimension. I perceive the oversoul I belong to as three specific letters. It is not a name, it is a vibration. I am NAN and I am in contact with twelve of my aspects. These aspects of who I am helps me see the unity of The One mind.

Through severe and painful body experiences I came to the realisation of True Self, unconditional love.

An extraordinary sensation of wordless, total peace, warmth and what afterwards only could be described as "heaven on earth" was extended throughout my whole body. This immense love changed the torture of a hellish stomach pain beyond imagination into the being of absolute stillness and bliss. It showed me that severe body pain, is lack of love in the form of guilt and attack on Self within the mind and the resistance to being what we truly are; complete whole love and unity with God. It showed me that it can be transformed within the mind in an holy instant when we show our shame, admit the guilt and admit our false beliefs.

A few years ago I also experienced The Total Silence Of Mind. A stillness and total peaceful presence without thoughts. Since then my mind is still in a way I did not perceive as possible before.

Today I foremost know. I see clearly and my claire cognition is sharp. I use the receptive and reflective spectrum within me to reflect your I AM back to you. I hold and transmit large amounts of helpful information for and to you. 

I hold space for an uplifting healing energy and I help in making the subconscious conscious. I know that to "heal your mind" is our most important purpose as human beings. To forgive all, is another way of putting it. We can all choose to remember our origin; The Power Of Wisdom. An all inclusive changeless & limitless love.

My way of remembering and learning is by teaching. What I do for you, I do for me. What I do for me, I do for you. We are one in mind and spirit. We experience this holographic dreamworld together.

We are truly One.

"How rare and beautiful it truly is, that we exist."

Saturn by Sleeping at last

A Course In Miracles, Helen Schucman

ACIM practioner and teacher.

Thinking into results, Proctor Gallagher Institute 

Manifesting magic within the dream

Science of communication, cultural science, organisation and leadership, pedagogy.  

4 years of university academic achievement

Spiritual awareness of unity consciousness 

Inner journey of remembrance 

Teacher & pupil of LIFE

In eternity

Healer & healed

Educated healer practitioner for 20 years.

Author & word magician

En ängel vaknar, 2009. The journey of being an incarnated angel. In swedish at Spektra art . In english at Amazon.