Maria Mondiamo
Det är svårt att beskriva med ord vad Maria skapar i föreläsningar, program, samtal, meditation och själslig utveckling.
Hur jag än beskriver det så kommer det aldrig fullt ut återspegla vilken djup själslig resa du har möjlighet att göra tillsammans med Maria.
Det finns enligt mig ingen viktigare investering än den du gör för din hälsa, eftersom det får oändliga ringar på vattnet. Dessutom kommer du upptäcka att världen är så mycket större än vad du först trott och känna den frihet som du längtar efter.
Matilda, beteendevetare
Trinity is key to the memory of
Oneness and the ability of rightminded thinking.
Within your mind there is a trinity you simply have to know in order to live your life in alignment with Love (unity), Life Force (eternity) and The Law of One.
You have a seemingly split mind. You, as awareness is a decisionmaker. Either you choose wrongminded horistontal ego mind. Or you choose to be aware and rightminded. A spiritual decisison to remember and awakening the light within the one Mind of vertical beingness.
It is essential for you to know the trinity of mind in order to live rightminded. Trinity is key in transcending wrongminded duality/conceptual thinking. It brings your mind in alignment with the holy Lfe Force, the chi to the supreme spiritual HOLY ONE MIND being All That Is. Key sounds a lot like chi...
The memory of Oneness in our mind is represented by whole spirit, also called holy spirit.
You truly will find out you are it as you let go of the ego thought system, a k a wrong mind. This Chi, Life Force, sustains everyone.
In the swedish language the word energy is spelled energi. It reveals the Oneness and the One Mind in its word-trinity: "en är gi", ergo, "one is qi". One is chi, energy, really means there is just one whole Life Force. You are it.
This means the word energy in itself shows exactly what the science of physics claim. In truth we are only one qi. One consciousness. One aware being.
To Change Your Mind, Heal Your Mind and Free Your Mind from guilt- and fearbased wrongmindedness will bring you Peace Of Mind.
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